Tips for Traveling with Small Children During The Holidays

I'm Kelli Warner. AAA estimates that 55 million people will travel over Thanks giving weekend and many of those people will be families with kids who are anxious to get to their destinations. When visiting friends and family during the holidays, planning ahead and taking a few extra precautions can help ensure a safe and more enjoyable trip for everyone.

Tips for Traveling with Small Children During The Holidays

There's no doubt about it, holiday travel can be hectic. Traveling with small children can be challenging. To make your holiday less stressful, pediatrician Dr. Pilar Bradshaw suggests these tips. If you're driving, especially babies need to get out of their car seat every couple of hours to get some nice fresh air. So just plan ahead so that you're not trying to rush your very tired or sort of fragile child through your travel plans.

Think about trying to travel at a time that it's possible your kids will be asleep. That would be really ideal if it happened to work out magically, but that can often help a kid to get through a hard travel day. In addition, plan medication refills in advance and have a plan in case of illness away from home. Try to stick to your child's usual routines, including bedtimes and naptime, to help reduce stress and meltdowns. And don't forget about child proofing.

And if you're going to someone else's house to stay, especially if they don't have little kids, think about child proofing and sort of how to keep your kids physically safe when you're at somebody's house. Also be aware that the cold weather months can be a tricky time for car seats. As a general rule, bulky clothing like winter coats and snow suits should not be worn underneath the harness of a car seat because they can put your child at risk in a crash. This goes for adult seatbelts as well. Learn more about travel safety at

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